In Just a few Weeks, You Can Become An EXPERT In Helping Your Patients Gain Relief From the Debilitating Symptoms Related to Allergies and Sensitivities, While Potentially Adding $20,000 to $40,000 Or More A Month in Revenue to Your Practice.
Beyond the Spine: Incorporate an Exceptional New Treatment Allowing You the Opportunity to Gain a Competitive Edge in Your Market, Deliver Unprecedented Results to Your Patients, and Significantly Increase Your Bottom Line.
Advanced Allergy Therapeutics in the News
“AAT has been amazing!”

“Patients are extremely pleased with the results AAT delivers. For the Practitioner, the learning curve is low, the income is very good and perhaps best of all, it’s easy to integrate into your practice.”
Robert Poane, DC
Dr. Poane’s Chiropractic Office
“I get more referrals from my AAT patients than straight chiropractic”

“AAT has been a great addition to my practice. I have many new patients that I would not have had without AAT. I really like that it is all cash, so we do not have to deal with insurance billing. I would highly recommend the system.”
Frederick Claussen, DC
Claussen Chiropractic

Learn the AAT Expert System to help Allergy Sufferers live SYMPTOM FREE.

Do the treatments yourself OR hire a practitioner to do the work for you.

Quickly INCREASE REVENUE and easily scale to 6-figures or more.

Allergy-related conditions are a leading cause of chronic illness in developed nations worldwide, presenting a significant challenge for chiropractors. Experts are sounding the alarm on a global epidemic of allergic diseases, with allergies and sensitivities more than doubling in many countries over the past 25 years. This surge is thought to be linked to environmental changes. In the United States, allergies afflict over 30% of adults and 40% of children, imposing an annual burden of more than $18 Billion on the healthcare system and businesses.
Advanced Allergy Therapeutics offers a groundbreaking approach that merges holistic health principles with contemporary science and technology, specifically addressing the allergy crisis of the 21st century for chiropractic practitioners. With an extensive database for treating allergy and sensitivity symptoms, including a library of over 65,000 allergens and components, and customized, easy-to-follow protocols, chiropractors can quickly become proficient in managing a wide range of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. The innovative science behind Advanced Allergy Therapeutics provides a deeper understanding of allergic reactions and boasts a high success rate in alleviating numerous allergy-related conditions, making it an essential tool for chiropractors aiming to expand their treatment offerings and enhance patient care in the face of the growing allergy epidemic.
As an AAT expert, you will attract patients who might not have previously contemplated chiropractic care. This is your opportunity to make a big impact with allergy sufferers in your community.
Upon mastering the AAT technology, in addition to the new patients you will be helping, you can also begin to reassess your existing patients’ needs and increase their results, as well.
Chiropractors new to AAT are often amazed at the prevalence of undiagnosed sensitivities in their existing patients, which frequently play a role in persistent symptoms.
Furthermore, chiropractors incorporating this therapy into their practice can expect a notable increase in chiropractic appointments. As an AAT expert, you’ll draw in individuals who may not have previously considered chiropractic treatment.
Continue reading to discover more about becoming an AAT Expert.
Video Testimonial Interviews
- Insurance reimbursements are decreasing, and your scope of practice is shrinking.
- You are spending hours on paperwork for small insurance reimbursements.
- Operational costs are rising with no relief in sight.
- You are constantly looking for more ways to market your practice, with little return.
- You’re struggling to differentiate yourself in a field crowded with chiropractors who offer the same services as you do, and you’re eager to stand out.
- You wish there was an easier way to reach and serve more patients.
- You are looking for a better way to help your patients resolve health issues that (up until now) seemed impossible to resolve.
- You are wanting to expand your treatment options and expand your scope of practice.
Imagine being able to offer a treatment that will not only improve your patients’ daily lives, but will get you off the insurance rollercoaster as your patients will be happy to pay cash for RAPID RELIEF.
Imagine Claiming your Expertise in the relief of a wide range of allergy and sensitivity symptoms, being recognized as the “GO TO” practitioner in your community and differentiating your chiropractic practice from the others with an innovative approach. AND… imagine Feeling Confident & Ready to Treat Hundreds of New Patients & Growing your Business as a Result…No matter what is happening in the World!
Imagine generating an Additional $20,000 to $40,000 or more per month, working part-time or hiring an associate practitioner to decrease your workload.

Get access to a groundbreaking treatment that works.
Help patients gain freedom from the annoying, and sometimes debilitating symptoms experienced with allergies and sensitivities.
Expand your service offerings and improve your treatment results.
Become an Instant Expert with our step-by-step, guided protocols to help you treat the many symptoms and conditions associated with allergies and sensitivities.
Rapidly identify specific allergens with our unique stress-testing technique.
Gain access to the exclusive AAT Comprehensive Allergen Library of over 65,000 substances.
Become an In-Demand Allergy Relief Expert and resource in your area.
Potentially add an additional $20,000 to $40,000 per month or more, without adding to your workload.
Bring back the joy and pleasure of being a healthcare partner for your patients.
Reclaim the work-life balance you deserve.
Differentiate yourself as a healthcare leader and “Go To” provider in your community.

“AAT Revolutionizes Patient Care”

“I wholeheartedly recommend Advanced Allergy Therapeutics to fellow practitioners. This therapy offers a non-invasive, safe, and effective approach to patient care that is both rewarding and financially viable. The future of medicine is moving towards natural remedies, and AAT is the perfect gateway to embracing this transformative shift.”
Dr. Amanda Thiry, DC
Sage Healing Collective
“I get paid and paid well for this work”

“After the first six months of using AAT and developing a patient base that had experienced the benefits of this amazing technology, my referral rate is higher than it has been in over 20 years in practice as a Chiropractic Physician. I have a small “one-man” practice and I rely on word-of-mouth marketing and networking as a means to grow my practice. Since May of this year, I have had close to 200 new patients with very little advertising and without offering “free” evaluations or “free anything.”
Tano E. Welch, DC
A&A Chiropractic Center
Doesn’t require needles
Doesn’t require medications
Doesn’t require herbal remedies
Doesn’t require supplements
Doesn’t require patient avoidance
Is non-invasive
Is pain-free
Is drug-free
Is appropriate for any age
Is simple to administer
The AAT Expert System is simple to administer, and most patients see long-term relief after 24 hours.
In Just A Few Weeks, You Can Become An EXPERT In Helping Your Patients Gain Relief From The Debilitating Symptoms Related To Allergies and Sensitivities While Potentially Adding $20,000 to $40,000 Or More Per Month in Revenue to Your Practice.

With your purchase of the Comprehensive AAT Licensing Package you will:
become an Instant Expert in treating the many symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.
help patients suffering from long-term debilitating allergies and sensitivities get their life back.
quickly be able to implement the proven AAT Expert System in your practice within 21 days.
get access to our proven business model that has the potential to scale your business with an additional 6-figures or more per year.
increase your revenue without working additional hours, by hiring a practitioner to do the treatments for you.
get ongoing support to expand and grow your expertise in implementing the AAT Expert System in your practice.
become THE In-Demand Allergy Relief Expert and resource in your area.
We will share the AAT framework with you so you can become a successful AAT practitioner within your chiropractic practice; improving patient results, making great money and changing lives, including your own.
You’ll learn to tackle complex issues like food sensitivities, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, digestive disorders, skin conditions, and more, thereby improving your patients’ health.
The AAT System is straightforward to implement, with most patients experiencing lasting relief within 24 hours.

“The results we see in our patients who have been treated with the AAT allergy system are truly amazing!”

“Patients who have suffered from food sensitivities and other allergic reactions are no longer faced with these problems. We have helped patients with itching, peeling skin on their extremities, coughs, sinusitis, lactose intolerance, wheat allergies and airborne allergies just to name a few. I can’t recommend this technology strong enough.”
Steven B. Goldsteing, DC
Healthcare Chiropractic Center
“AAT helped my family, now it is helping my patients.”

“I began using the AAT Expert System because I saw what it did with my own daughter. She was sensitive to latex on diapers, then milk, sugar, and all nuts. She had horrible eczema. After several AAT treatments, her skin is clear and she doesn’t avoid anything anymore. That was 9 years ago. “
Dr. Michelle LeBlanc, DC
LeBlanc Chiropractic Clinic
AAT Software
Laptop installed with the the AAT Proprietary Software backed by 28 years of research and hundreds of thousands of successful treatments.
(1) Wireless Mouse to easily navigate the AAT software.
(1) Acupoint Stimulator to activate points along the spine during treatment.
(1) Digital Signal Cuff to gently transmit the signals to the skin for testing and treatment.
Comprehensive Allergen Library with over 65,000 substances including components and sub-components, down to the protein level, to ensure the most comprehensive treatment possible.
137-page comprehensive AAT Software User Guide that breaks down every protocol and function within the software.
AAT Therapy
AAT Expert Core Protocol includes easy-to-follow steps for treating an unlimited number of substances, ensuring a successful treatment.
(6) Advanced Protocols that unlock the ability for the practitioner to:
- Identify Hidden Allergens contributing to 10 Specific Groups of Symptoms (Digestive, Respiratory, Skin, Headaches, Mood Disturbances, Fatigue, Eyes, Cardiovascular, Muscular, Pain/Inflammation)
- Identify and treat Modified and/or Altered allergens
- Identify and Relieve Chronic Sinusitis
- Identify Combination Reactions
- Address Emotional Components in a Reaction
- Identify Linked Substances Contributing to a Reaction
AAT Training
(15 hours) Comprehensive, On-Demand, Online AAT Technology and Software Training including a live 2-hour One-on-One session. Access the AAT clinical training videos 24/7.
Comprehensive, On-Demand, Online Marketing Training.
44-page quick reference Supplemental Guide including AAT Theory, Protocols, Treatment Tips, Clinical Pearls, Stress Testing Tips, Marketing Ideas and Proprietary Information to Ensure the Best Treatment Results.
Live Online Q&A sessions during the training (4 total) ensuring comprehension of the training.
Bi-Monthly Online Q&A Sessions for New Practitioners.
Business Support
Immediate Access to Our Proven AAT Expert System Business Model
“Copy & Paste” Done-for-You AAT Expert System Website Copy So You Can Immediately Add it To Your Website & Start Booking Patients
A Personalized Business Listing on the Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Website
Ongoing Support
Access to our Comprehensive AAT Video Training Library To Rapidly Get Up to Speed with The AAT Expert System & Refresh Yourself On Specific Protocols .
Build A Network Of Fellow Practitioners With Immediate Access to our Exclusive AAT Private Practitioner Community
Supplemental Patient Support Resources
Don’t Waste Time On Creating New Forms – We Will Give You Access To Our AAT Clinic Treatment Forms So You Can Start Booking Patients Immediately.
Feel Confident Knowing Your Patients Will Have All The On-Going Support They Need With Our Patient Treatment Support Handouts Specifically Designed for Patients Who May Need to Take Extra Steps to Ensure Their Best Outcomes (Includes 18 of the most common use cases for necessary follow ups).

“If you had told me just a few months ago that I would soon be eating cheese dip with corn chips I would have thought you were crazy. It had been over 15 years since I had purposefully eaten any dairy and over 20 years for corn. But thanks to AAT, I am not able to eat this and more without intense pain and IBS symptoms. 2 weeks ago, I was treated for potatoes and enjoyed my first baked potato in over 25 years! It has been wonderful to go to restaurants without having to talk to the manager and the grocery store without having to read all the ingredients.”
“Prior to receiving treatment, I would often break out in itchy hives if an animal licked me. If a cat scratched me, I would also get very swollen and red at the site. The very next day, after receiving treatment, I tested myself on our cats at home to see if I had improved. I am happy to report that I no longer get itchy hives from animals, and the lack of a reaction from cat scratches was an unexpected benefit. Since my treatment several months ago, I have had no relapses and am able to enjoy all animals.”
“For 30 years an allergy to polyester dictated my life. Two treatments and I no longer need to look at clothes labels. I can wear 100% polyester without so much as an itch. It’s the most painless treatment I have had, and I would recommend it to anyone.”
“I suffered constantly from a sour stomach, bloating and nausea since 1993 and was diagnosed by a specialist with irritable bowel syndrome. I had significant improvement after only two treatments and am now 100% symptom-free”
“I developed a metal allergy two years after I pierced my ears. I went to see a dermatologist, but the topical cream did not work, so I thought I probably can’t wear any metal jewelry for the rest of my life. To my surprise, with three treatments, my metal allergy is completely gone.”
“It was hard for me to believe that something so life-changing could have worked so easily and so well. It’s fun to be able to go out with my husband and have a good time critiquing the food instead of having to worry about a reaction I might have if I order the wrong thing.”
Premium Perk 1:
Exclusive Access to the Private AAT Practitioner Portal & Community
Your success is our priority! We understand the importance of boosting your chiropractic practice’s revenue without adding to your stress and workload.
That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive AAT Practitioner Portal, providing everything you need to initiate, manage, and expand your AAT services within your chiropractic practice, accessible through your unique login.
Once logged into the practitioner portal, you’ll immediately get access to all the AAT resources you need for your practice, including…
- A Comprehensive Content Library where you can access done for you patient intake forms, easily printable patient handouts, AAT marketing materials, software and user guides and so much more!
- A quick glance calendar, so you never miss out on an upcoming or important AAT training.
- Access to our digital store is open 24/7 to our practitioners, so you can easily purchase additional cuffs and request tech support all at a click of a button.
And best of all, we’ll walk you through the steps to access our exclusive AAT practitioner community, so you never have to feel alone on the journey. You can easily connect with other practitioners, feel supported and get your questions answered!
Premium Perk 2:
Launch Your New AAT Practice With A Proven 90-Day Kick-Start Marketing Plan
Introducing a new service offering can be time-consuming and costly. Our goal is to streamline this process by removing the trial and error and eliminating the uncertainty.
With your AAT Expert System comprehensive license, you’ll be able to tap into our 20+ years of experience of successfully launching AAT practices.
With your 90-day marketing plan, you’ll get…
- A detailed 3-phase strategy for launching your AAT services, guiding you through building awareness, engaging prospective patients, and expanding your practice within just 90 days.
- Ready-to-use email templates to introduce your existing chiropractic patients to AAT and reach out to potential new clients in your community.
- Pre-written blog post templates to draw inspiration from or to publish as-is, helping you build or increase your online presence and following.
Moreover, we’ll provide you with our top strategies to continue enhancing your AAT revenue stream beyond the initial 90 days, ensuring sustained growth for your chiropractic practice.
Premium Perk 3:
Book More Appointments With Our Done-For-You, Print-On-Demand Marketing Pack
No need to hire designers, copywriters, or take the time to write content yourself. With our print-on-demand marketing pack, you’ll…
- Immediately begin to market your new AAT therapy offering to your existing chiropractic patients with this professionally designed marketing pack developed by leading AAT professionals in the field.
- Be in full control with no limits! You’ll be able to print and ship this marketing pack directly to your office with a few clicks of a button anytime to get started or to restock (printing/shipping costs apply)!
What’s included in the pack:
- The Exclusive AAT Brochure (Provided Only to License Holders) – Immediately address patient questions about the AAT therapy with this handy, trifold, take home brochure.
- Descriptive Rack Cards – let patients discover for themselves, how the AAT therapy can help them relieve specific symptoms/sensitivities with these (10) beautifully designed, print-on-demand Rack Cards.
Currently, we have rack cards designed for…
- Food Sensitivities
- Sinusitis/Chronic Congestion
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Seasonal Allergies
- Environmental Allergies
- Acid Reflux/Heartburn
- Respiratory Symptoms
- Headaches/Migraines
- Skin Conditions
- Chemical Sensitivities
And it doesn’t stop there! We’re committed to your success!
If your patients are having questions about other allergies/sensitivities that the AAT system can help alleviate, but there’s no rack card for it yet then simply let us know! We’re constantly updating our materials we provide to our practitioners.
Premium Perk 4:
Expand Your AAT Practice With Our 2023 Version Done For You Professionally Designed PowerPoint Presentation
Want to feel confident in promoting the benefits of AAT to both existing and potential new patients in your chiropractic practice? Our 2023 PowerPoint presentation is here to support you. Use it to:
- Clearly explain the cutting-edge AAT Expert therapy and its benefits.
- Engage with the community through Public Lectures to attract NEW patients.
- Conduct in-practice presentations to inform your current patients and expand your AAT services.
This comprehensive, easy-to-follow 80-slide PowerPoint presentation is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and confidence to spread awareness about AAT technology and its transformative effects on health and well-being within your community.
Premium Perk 5:
Grow Your AAT Revenue Stream With A Comprehensive 12-Month “Done With You” Editorial Calendar Planning Guide
Understanding the importance of marketing for the growth of your AAT services within your chiropractic practice, we recognize the challenges of balancing this with your existing commitments.
That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive 12-month “done with you” editorial calendar planning program.
With this strategic planning and content creation guide, you’ll get…
- 12-months worth of market research done for you immediately available to put to use in your practice! We’ve mapped out hot/trending topics for each month as well as national/wacky holidays you can use to engage your audience and grow your AAT practice!
- 60 Done-For-You Headlines you can use “as is” or for inspiration to write your own content. For each month, you’ll immediately get access to 5 Pre-Written Headlines you can use in blog posts, social media posts, or emails to continue to grow your AAT practice!
Additionally, our “start anytime” guarantee ensures you’re never left behind. Regardless of when you begin, you’ll have access to a full year of content, continuously updated to keep your practice’s marketing fresh and engaging.
Ready to Elevate Your Practice with the Advanced AAT System? Contact an AAT Expert Advisor today!

All AAT practitioners are fully credentialed healthcare professionals, including Chiropractors, Functional Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Nurse Practitioners, and, in some states, Physician Assistants and Registered Nurses, as well as Veterinarians.
The most common symptoms addressed with AAT include bloating, cramping, reflux, heartburn, gas, diarrhea, nausea, runny nose, sneezing, congestion, post-nasal drip, itchy watery eyes, coughs, wheezing, red, scaly, or itchy rashes, hives, itchy skin, hyperactivity, mood disturbances, headaches, and fatigue.
No. The AAT Expert System does not treat anaphylaxis or any life-threatening symptoms or conditions. Strict avoidance is always advised.
What Cases Cannot Be Treated With AAT and Why?
- The AAT treatment addresses only symptoms caused by inappropriate reactions to harmless substances or stimuli. If the symptom or condition is caused by a pathogen (bacteria, viruses, or parasites), the treatment will not be effective.
- AAT cannot treat intolerances. An intolerance differs from an allergy or sensitivity because it results from a deficiency, not an inappropriate reaction. For instance, AAT would not be effective in treating lactose intolerance, a condition caused by a deficiency of the lactase enzyme needed to break down lactose in dairy. However, if symptoms related to dairy are due to a sensitivity to milk or other dairy products, AAT treatment can be very effective. It is possible for lactose intolerance and dairy sensitivity to coexist, in which cases, AAT treatment can offer partial benefit.
- AAT does NOT treat cases of anaphylaxis or life-threatening symptoms. In these cases, strict avoidance is always advised.
While AAT can treat the many symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities, some cases may not respond to the treatment.
How Many Treatments Are Required?
AAT treats one allergen family at a time, so the number of treatments depends on the number of allergen families involved in the reaction. However, within each allergen family, the specificity is identified down to the protein molecule, making each treatment extremely comprehensive. For instance, an allergen family could be something like dust, dairy, or grasses. Within each of these allergen families, we strive to identify all the components within the item that is causing a reaction, resulting in an exceptional and results-driven treatment. Most of the time, a single allergen family will respond to treatment within a single visit, but it may require multiple visits per family. Conditions such as chronic sinusitis or IBS typically require between 5 and 12 treatments, depending on how many allergen families are contributing to the condition.
How Much Time is Needed for an AAT Treatment?
The AAT Initial Session usually lasts between 40 minutes and one hour. The Initial Session includes:
- completing the patient’s health intake form
- testing for all applicable substances that may be contributing to the symptoms that the patient is experiencing
- explaining how the AAT treatment works
- establishing a full treatment plan
- giving the patient an AAT treatment
All AAT Follow-Up Sessions usually take about 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
AAT Follow up Session includes:
- checking on the patient’s symptom improvement
- rechecking the previous AAT treatment
- treating a new allergen family group with an AAT treatment.
The differences in the time ranges above depend on each practitioner’s preference and/or whether the clinic has front desk staff to check the patient out after their session. Treatment times can be customized by the practitioner.
Symptoms associated with a single substance are often relieved within 24 hours.
Many conditions, such as sinusitis or irritable bowel syndrome, respond within the first few treatments. However, each case is unique and may require additional treatments. As with all healthcare modalities, some cases may not respond to treatment.
No. Your patients should not stop taking any medicine prescribed by their doctor. There is no need to stop taking over-the-counter medication.
No. AAT can treat any age, from infants to 100+ years old.
No. AAT does not require traditional allergy testing to be done prior to treatment, but if your patient has had any allergy testing done by their doctor, they are encouraged to bring in the test results with them to their appointment.
No. AAT doesn’t perform any traditional allergy testing. AAT utilizes a Stress Assessment (Muscle Test) to identify items that are causing stress on the body’s systems and contributing to the patient’s symptoms.
What is the average cost for an AAT Treatment?
The pricing for AAT treatments is determined independently by each chiropractor, allowing you the freedom to set your own fees. Generally, observed prices range from $170 to $450 for the initial session and approximately $95 to $175 for subsequent follow-up appointments.
AAT is not covered by insurance as there is no diagnostic code for the treatment. However, AAT treatments are eligible for coverage through a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), allowing patients to utilize either option.
AAT enables practitioners to transition towards a cash-based practice, where you retain 100% of your earnings, thus allowing you to enjoy the benefits of providing an effective service without the complications of dealing with insurance.
As with all medical procedures, we cannot guarantee that the treatment will be effective for every patient or that other symptoms will not occur.
No. The AAT treatment doesn’t require the use of needles at any time. Instead, it utilizes acupressure which is totally pain free and can be done at any age.
The AAT training is available through the AAT Practitioner Portal, offering an online, on-demand format that accommodates the schedules of busy chiropractors. It's designed to be completed within a 3-week period, structured into a series of sequential modules, allowing you to complete it at your own pace within each weekly timeframe. The training is divided into three main sections. After you complete the first section, you will be scheduled for a 2-hour online one-on-one session with an AAT trainer to refine your treatment technique before you begin practice treatments, ensuring the therapy is performed correctly. This one-on-one session gives you the opportunity to fine-tune stress testing (muscle testing) techniques, review the entire treatment protocol, and clarify any aspects of the treatment you may need. You are required to have a practice patient for this session. After completing the first section of the training, it's recommended that you conduct 5 to 10 practice treatments on friends and family to gain further experience with the treatments. Practice treatments are conducted alongside the completion of the remaining AAT training. For additional support during the training, weekly online Q&A sessions are offered to ensure a complete and comprehensive understanding of the AAT material.
How will I be supported once I decide to bring AAT into my practice?
We are deeply committed to the success of all AAT practitioners and their ability to positively impact as many patients as possible. To ensure your journey is supported, we provide exceptional customer service encompassing both clinical and marketing support.
Once you have completed the AAT training, we provide bi-monthly online Q&A sessions for new AAT practitioners, which you can attend as frequently and for as long as necessary. These online sessions act as a forum to address any questions you may have about AAT treatments, specific cases, protocols, etc., and offer additional clarification as you begin your journey of treating AAT patients.
To aid in spreading awareness of AAT to your patients, we offer a comprehensive range of marketing materials and support via the AAT Practitioner Portal and the AAT Practitioner Facebook page.
Moreover, we prioritize direct and personalized communication with our practitioners. You have the opportunity to engage with our team in real-time discussions, addressing any concerns, issues, or questions you may have. You can connect with us either in person or through the dedicated, private AAT Facebook Group.
Once I have become an AAT practitioner, what strategies can I employ to effectively market my new AAT services?
AAT provides a wide range of comprehensive marketing resources designed to support and sustain your endeavors. These resources include:
- DFY website copy
- Pre Designed brochures and descriptive rack cards that can be customized, printed and shipped directly to your clinic.
- A detailed, 90-day, quick-start marketing plan that will help you immediately begin communicating and marketing your new AAT therapy to your patients.
- A 12-month editorial calendar planning kit that will help you map out and create content for a full year.
- A DYF PowerPoint presentation for public lectures that will help you feel confident in communicating and sharing AAT in your clinic, or on-the-go.
What is included in the "AAT Practitioner Portal"?
The AAT Practitioner Portal is a secure and password-protected section on the AAT public website that encompasses a variety of valuable resources:
- The AAT Training modules with 24/7 access
- Pre-designed Clinic Forms and Patient Handouts
- Convenient Ordering Section for AAT Brochures, Rack Cards, and Promotional Materials
- Abundance of Marketing and Communications Materials
- Comprehensive Public PowerPoint Presentation
- AAT Software User Guide for seamless navigation
- Supplementary AAT Guide for enhanced understanding and training
- Professionally crafted Website Copy for instant implementation
- Dedicated section for Ordering wrist cuffs and technical support
- An efficient means to update and maintain accurate practitioner contact information
- Detailed trainings and events calendar for effective planning
- Unrestricted Access to a vast library of recorded webinars and training videos
Can I hire additional practitioners to assist with the administration of the AAT treatments?
Certainly! You are welcome to hire additional practitioners to perform AAT treatments on your behalf. It is not uncommon for AAT practitioners to employ additional professionals in order to meet the increasing demand for AAT treatments. However, it is important to ensure that the practitioners you hire hold a valid license in one of the following fields: DC, MD, DO, L.Ac, ND, RN, NP, or PA. These licensed professionals will then need to complete the AAT training.
Can I provide the training to the practitioners that I hire to perform the AAT treatments?
Unfortunately, it is not permissible for AAT practitioners to personally train other practitioners in the AAT system. All practitioners must undergo thorough training provided by AAT to acquire the necessary knowledge and proficiency in utilizing the system. It is essential to maintain consistency and quality in the training process, which is achieved through the standardized AAT training program.
I am interested in integrating Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) into my practice, what steps should I take to get started?
Integrating AAT into your practice is a straightforward process. To start, we'll collect some details about you and your clinic to prepare the AAT licensing agreement and non-disclosure agreement. Once these documents are signed and the invoice is paid, the next step is to grant you access to the AAT Practitioner Portal. From the Portal, you will immediately have access to all marketing materials, clinic forms, brochures, rack cards, PowerPoint presentations, and patient handouts, allowing you to start customizing everything right away. We recommend beginning the 90-Day Kick Start Marketing Program as soon as you have access to the Portal. By initiating your marketing efforts early, you can start filling your schedule before you even begin the training, aiming to have it full by the time you complete the AAT training.
All required documentation and agreements should be completed by the third Friday of the month in order to start the AAT online training on the first Monday of the following month. All the AAT equipment, including a laptop, wireless mouse, treatment cuff, Acupoint Stimulator, and tester vials, are shipped directly to you, ensuring that everything you need arrives before the first day of training.
Does Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) require annual fees or royalties?
No. AAT does not charge annual fees or royalties.
Are there any fees that I should expect as an AAT practitioner?
Additional fees would apply in the following scenarios:
- In the event of an AAT software update, (depending on the extent of the update) an update and installation fee would start at $395.
- If you require a replacement or extra cuff for the AAT software, the cost would be $175 per cuff (plus shipping).
- In the event of a computer crash or when upgrading your computer, reinstallation of the AAT software would incur a fee of $150.
Can more than one AAT treatment be administered in any given day?
Yes, up to four AAT treatments can be administered per day. This provides practitioners with the flexibility of offering more treatment options and allows patients to decide the pace at which they wish to proceed with the AAT treatments. The decision is in their hands, depending on the speed of results they desire and their budget.
Can I use the AAT software system in multiple locations?
Yes. The AAT System is designed to provide mobility and flexibility as it operates on a laptop, allowing users to utilize it in various locations.
In the event of a laptop crash or when upgrading to a newer model, the AAT Software can be swiftly reinstalled. Our team is prepared to remotely reinstall the AAT software onto either the existing laptop or a different one, ensuring you regain access to the system as quickly as possible. Rest assured, we can promptly restore your access to the AAT Software in such circumstances.
Yes. We regularly update and enhance the substance library within the AAT software to provide a comprehensive range of treatment options for our practitioners. We value input from our users, and if there are specific items that you believe should be included in the library, whether they are unique to your field or you simply have a suggestion, we encourage you to request their addition through our website or Facebook page. Your requested items will be considered for inclusion in the next software update, which is scheduled every other year.
What is the fee for the AAT Software Updates and how are they performed?
The AAT software updates are performed remotely to provide convenience for our practitioners. These updates are scheduled online over a period of two to three weeks. To ensure that practitioners have the opportunity to request specific items for inclusion in the update, notices are sent out approximately eight weeks in advance. The continuous growth of the AAT substance database is driven by these requests, as each requested item benefits all practitioners through the update process. Depending on the scope, the cost associated with these updates is typically around $395
If needed, can I purchase an additional AAT digital wrist cuff?
Yes. The price for each additional AAT Wrist Cuff is $175 plus shipping.
What payment options are available for purchasing the AAT Expert System?
Payments can easily be made through direct deposit, wire transfer and check. Additionally, there are various financing options available for acquiring the AAT System, including obtaining a bank loan, exploring Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, securing a line of credit from your bank, considering PayPal loans, utilizing credit cards, connecting with specialized funding companies, or even seeking investment from family members. These diverse options offer flexibility in financing the acquisition of the AAT System, accommodating a range of financial situations and preferences.
Do you offer financing for the AAT Expert System?
While AAT does not directly provide financing options, we can connect you with reputable companies that offer a variety of financing services and multiple options to choose from, ensuring the best financial fit for you. It is worth considering your existing banking relationship as a primary option since they are already familiar with your financial situation. Additionally, SBA loans can be a viable alternative for financing needs. If you require further guidance or assistance with financing, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, and we will gladly facilitate the connection to companies that specialize in this area.
What is the expected timeframe for recouping my investment in the AAT Expert System?
A significant number of AAT practitioners have successfully repaid their loans within the initial six-month period. The monthly loan payment can be easily offset by treating just one to two AAT patients per week, thereby making the integration of AAT into any practice a highly advantageous choice.
Do you provide payment plans?
We currently do not offer options for payment plans.
Certainly! We offer a highly rewarding referral program with generous compensation. Contact us directly for additional information.
Is it possible to experience an AAT treatment prior to purchasing the AAT Expert System?
Certainly! AAT practitioners are available in various states, allowing you to easily locate one in your vicinity and schedule an appointment. You can find a listing of AAT practitioners in your area on this website.
Is it possible to have a conversation with any of the current practitioners regarding the AAT therapy?
Yes, you are welcome to contact any of the AAT practitioners to gain their valuable insights on the system's effectiveness and patient outcomes. If you need a list of practitioners to reach out to, please let us know, and we will be happy to provide assistance. Meanwhile, we encourage you to visit the Case Study and Video Testimonial page on our website to hear their experiences.
When can I expect to begin seeing patients after completing the AAT Expert System training?
After completing your one-on-one AAT training session, we recommend that you begin offering practice treatments to friends and family members. These treatments should be done while you are completing the remainder of the AAT training. It is generally advisable to gain experience by providing treatments to at least 5 to 10 individuals before seeing paying patients within your regular allocated treatment time. This approach allows you to refine your skills and build confidence in delivering effective AAT treatments. By adhering to the training schedule and guidelines provided, you’ll easily be equipped to start seeing paying patients immediately after completing the AAT training.
What considerations should I take into account as a newly established practitioner opening my practice?
When starting a new practice, incorporating AAT can offer significant opportunities due to its broad range of treatment possibilities and the high demand for these services. To establish your practice effectively, we recommend engaging with other practitioners in your area and exploring cross-referral opportunities. By collaborating with other health care professionals, you can tap into their existing patient base and provide them with AAT treatments that can benefit their patients. AAT can complement other modalities that focus on different aspects of healthcare, allowing for cross-marketing opportunities and a comprehensive approach to patient care.
In terms of marketing your new practice, we offer resources to support your efforts. Our materials include a PowerPoint presentation for public talks, which can help attract new patients. Additionally, we provide marketing materials such as email templates and social media ideas to promote your clinic and generate interest among potential clients. Treating friends and family initially is an excellent way to gain experience and demonstrate the effectiveness of AAT. Once they experience positive results, they will begin to spread the word about your services, generating referrals and building your reputation.
What strategies can be employed to effectively promote an already established practice?
Promoting AAT treatments in an established practice can be a seamless process that yields quick results without extensive external marketing efforts. Within your practice, you already have a pool of individuals experiencing allergy and sensitivity symptoms who can benefit from AAT. By informing them about the treatment, its effectiveness, and the symptoms and conditions it addresses, you can generate interest and encourage your patients to give it a try. AAT is a painless therapy suitable for clients of all ages, making it an attractive option.
To support your marketing efforts, we offer pre-designed patient brochures and rack cards that can be displayed in your clinic. These materials educate your patients about AAT and the range of symptoms and conditions it can treat. Additionally, we have developed a comprehensive 90-day Quick Start Marketing program exclusively for our practitioners. This program provides step-by-step guidance on effectively marketing AAT during the initial 90 days. It includes ready-to-use email sequences for patient awareness, education, and engagement, as well as blog posts, strategies for securing patient testimonials, implementing referral programs, and fostering repeat business.
Moreover, we have created a 12-month editorial calendar planning program to assist practitioners in mapping out their content for an entire year. This planning tool helps ensure consistent and engaging messaging throughout your marketing efforts.
With these resources and strategies, an established practice can quickly, effectively and successfully promote AAT, engaging existing patients and attracting new ones.
How much income can I make by adding AAT to my practice?
The structure of your practice, such as whether you conduct the treatments yourself or hire a practitioner to do the treatments for you, along with the rates you decide to charge, will influence your income potential. To gain a deeper understanding of the revenue possibilities for your clinic and how the AAT system can boost your earnings, please download a copy of the AAT Prospectus -> Download AAT Prospectus Now

Allergies rank as the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the US, with an increasing number of individuals being diagnosed each year. Over 19 million people have been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis in the past year alone. And this is just ONE of the many symptoms that allergies and sensitivities can cause.
We are seeing an unprecedented number of people developing allergies and sensitivities in the United States. Worldwide, food sensitivities are affecting 40% to 50% of school age children while urticaria rates are hovering around 20% of the population.
People are actively looking for an answer to the global allergy and sensitivity epidemic that is plaguing the planet. They want to feel better, eat their favorite foods, play with their pets, or just take a walk outside without having allergy symptoms. They want to live their best life, and who wouldn’t?
What does this signify for your chiropractic practice? There’s a profound need for assistance, and you, as a chiropractor, are in an ideal position to offer that help. Integrating AAT technology into your practice presents a dual benefit: it enables you to provide significant relief to patients suffering from allergy and sensitivity symptoms, and it opens up substantial opportunities for financial growth within your practice.
Allergy sufferers are waiting for you!
Together, let’s provide solutions!

“I have had digestive problems for several years. I went on a gluten-free diet and did well, but avoiding foods is pretty hard if you have an active lifestyle. Also, there were many foods that I missed eating. After going through the procedures of AAT, I can now eat whatever I want without the fear of a reaction. It has made my life so much simpler, less stressful and better tasting.”
“I suffered from sinusitis symptoms for over 15 years. I had one treatment for pollen and my symptoms such as swollen face, rhinitis, headaches and sinus congestion disappeared, and I was relieved of these symptoms completely. I now grow wattle in my back garden without reacting at all.”
“I was seriously ill. I couldn’t do anything. Since the AAT treatment I’ve regained my life.”
“After two treatments my eczema is 95% improved.”
“I used to get headaches if I drank red wine. After treatment for the red wine, I could drink red wine with no side effects. All I know is that now I feel like a different person.”
“One sip of coffee and I used to turn pale and have palpitation and abdominal pain for 2 to 3 hours. With one treatment, I was able to drink coffee first time in fifteen years.”
“It has been four months now and my daughter’s reaction to dust mites is gone.”
“I’ve suffered sinusitis for 40 years. After three treatments, I no longer have these symptoms”

Your patients are waiting for you!
We’ve witnessed the remarkable effect that AAT technology has had on our chiropractors’ practices and, equally importantly, on the lives of the many patients they care for.
Just A Quick RECAP, With The AAT Comprehensive Licensing Package You Get…
AAT Proprietary Software Backed by 28 Years of Research and Tens of Thousands of Successful Treatments.
AAT Expert Core Protocol Includes Easy-To-Follow Steps For Treating An Unlimited Number of Substances, Plus Advanced Protocols.
Become An Instant Expert With 15-Hours of Comprehensive Online AAT Technology Training.
Immediate Access to Our Proven AAT Expert System Business Model With “Copy & Paste” Templates.
Ongoing Support In Our Exclusive AAT Practitioner Community, Our LIVE Monthly Training, & Our Comprehensive AAT Video Train Library.
Supplemental Patient Support Resources Including AAT Clinic Treatment Forms & Easily Printable Patient Support HandOuts
And That’s Not All, Also Included With Your AAT Comprehensive License, You Get Premium Perks…
Exclusive Access to the AAT Practitioner Portal & Community
A Proven 90-Day Kick-Start Marketing Plan
Done-For-You, Print-On-Demand Marketing Pack
Our “On The Go” 2023 Version Done For You Professionally Designed PowerPoint For Public Presentations
A Comprehensive 12-Month “Done With You” Editorial Calendar Planning Program
We’re excited to support you in your journey of enhancing your chiropractic practice with the AAT Expert System, introducing a rewarding new revenue stream, and making a positive impact on the lives of your patients within your community!