Patient Testimonials

AAT Practitioner Testimonials
Patient Testimonials
“I have had digestive problems for several years. I went on a gluten-free diet and did well, but avoiding foods is pretty hard if you have and active lifestyle. Also, there were many foods that I missed eating. After going through the procedures of AAT I can now eat whatever I want without fear of a reaction. It has made my life so much simpler, less stressful and better tasting.”
“I have never been able to drink more than the smallest sip of wine, cranberry juice or anything else with sulfites without getting severe headaches, vomiting, etc. After treatment, Ihad 2 glasses without any symptoms at all! Thank you so much!
“For years I had suffered from itchy skin and spent many restless nights scratching my back, abdomen, legs, etc. It was about a year ago that this problem became so severe that my back was raw. After an AAT evaluation and several treatments, I discovered most of my problem was from reactions to grains such as corn, wheat and possibly to a substance found in many foods – salicylates. I can truly say that after only a few AAT treatments I have seen a remarkable change in my skin. It no longer itches and amazing, no scratch marks on my back. I am sleeping so much better now thanks to AAT.”
“AAT Therapy helped save my life. Five years ago, after I had my gallbladder removed, my doctor suggested AAT Therapy for food allergies. My diet was very limited because I was reacting to almost every food. I had lost a lot of weight and could not sleep. Today my only diet restriction is gluten, I am sleeping and cherish the compliments I receive about how healthy I look.”
“For over 20 years I have suffered from multiple allergies resulting in surgery and various other treatments to help reduce the debilitating effects on my health. Since attending AAT for many amazingly successful treatments, I now feel so much better and continue to improve. I sincerely thank AAT and would highly recommend their professional services to all allergy sufferers.”
“I have been suffering with sinus symptoms for over 10 years now. In the beginning it started with sneezing in the spring but then over the years it moved into daily congestion. I could control it at first with OTC medications, but they made me really tired, and they were expensive. I received several AAT treatments and have not had any sneezing or congestion since the treatments. I am very happy that I can now breathe out of my nose without congestion. Thank you.”
“I developed a metal allergy two years after I pierced my ears. I went to see a dermatologist, but the topical cream did not work. So, I thought I probably can’t wear any metal jewelry for the rest of my life. To my surprise, with three treatments, my metal allergy is completely gone.”
“I am so grateful for the incredible difference AAT has made in my quality of life. I have freedom in what I eat, where I go and how I spend my money (buying allergen-free groceries is a very expensive proposition!). It’s completely bizarre not to be the girl with all the wacky food allergies. I can accept invitations from others to eat at their houses and not worry that I’ll pay for it for days afterward. Some friends threw me a baby shower recently and I was able to eat EVERYTHING they brought—meatballs, cake, corn chips. It was wonderful for all of us to be able to share food with friends; food is such an important part of friendship (especially in the South!) and I’m glad I can take part again.”
“For 30 years an allergy to polyester dictated my life. Two treatments and I no longer need to look at clothes labels. I can wear 100% polyester without so much as an itch. It’s the most painless treatment I have had, and I would recommend it to anyone.”
“I suffered constantly from a sour stomach, bloating and nausea since 1993 and was diagnosed by a specialist with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I had significant improvement after only two treatments and am now 100% symptom-free.”
“Our daughter had been struggling more and more with her allergies over the past few years. School was very difficult, especially with her allergies to corn and fragrance since they are so hard to avoid. Her reactions made school unpleasant and uncomfortable, which led to a lot of anxiety. She would come home covered in hives every day, had constant headaches, and could not sleep at night. While we could change her diet and our home environment, the school environment was very difficult to change. After a few weeks of treatments with AAT, we saw great improvements. Months later, she is still doing very well. She is back to loving school and is sleeping much better. Her skin is clear at the end of the day, she is no longer anxious, and she rarely has a headache. We are all so grateful for these positive changes!”
“The treatment for sugars has had a profound effect on me. Lots of things about my demeanor, cravings (chocolate/sweets), focus and other “personality” symptoms have suddenly become non-existent. My wife noticed the day after the treatment that “something” had changed in me. I think that my sensitivities to sugar were far more severe than I or anyone had realized. I’m more alert, less depressed and significantly less anxious about things. Treatment to sugar has so far made the most dramatic and noticeable change in my wellbeing. Thank you!”
“I couldn’t eat many of my favorite foods for years unless I wanted to suffer with uncomfortable digestive symptoms. I figured I would have to suffer from now on until I heard about this therapy from a friend. I figured it couldn’t hurt to try it since I had tried everything else. After just a few treatments I am already eating some of my favorite foods without any symptoms. It’s been really great for me, thanks!”
“The proof of the pudding for me was all those allergies disappeared.”
“After two treatments my eczema is 95% improved.”
“Ever since childhood, I had trouble being around cats. My nose would become stuffy, and my eyes would be irritated until I got away. Now since having the AAT treatment, I can breathe freely when visiting my friends and relatives who have cats and don’t have to cut the visit short.”
“When I went to the clinic, my eyes were so itchy that I could not keep my eyes open. After the treatment, I was able to open my eyes wide and other symptoms of my pollen allergy were all gone.”
“I never realized I was reactive to animals until I moved in with my boyfriend, who has 2 dogs and a cat. Since I moved in, I have had constantly itching eyes, itchy skin and have been sneezing non-stop. I had 2 AAT treatments, for dogs and cats. Since getting the treatments, I have not had any symptoms at all when I am around any of the animals. The treatment was quick and painless, but the best part is that I was symptom-free the next day! I can now enjoy hanging out in the house with my boyfriend and his pets. It’s been great!”
“Our dermatologist told us that our daughter was allergic to grains. The day after she was treated for wheat, she was able to eat pasta for the very first time.”
“I used to get headaches if I drank red wine. After treatment for the red wine, I could drink red wine with no side effects. All I know is that now I feel like a different person.”
“I must share. The AAT therapy changed my life. I had lived on the edge of starvation for several years because it seemed that everything I ate made me sick. I would eliminate something because it would make me sick and then something else would start making me sick. I was down to almost nothing. Then a friend recommended AAT. I called an AAT clinic thinking maybe they could help with some of them. WOW! Did they! After just a few treatments they have me eating anything I want. I used to live in fear of getting something that would really make me sick. Now I no longer live in fear of food. I am even eating sugar and that was a HUGE issue for me. Thank you so much! I am not only thankful to God for food now, but I am also thankful that I can actually eat it and not be sick. Thanks again.”
“For several years I lived a lonely life in isolation due to my allergy to perfume, chemicals and artificial fragrances. On my first visit I was treated for perfumes & artificial fragrances and my symptoms disappeared. My family and I thank AAT for giving me my life back.”
“After suffering from seasonal allergies and practically year-round congestion for years and years I tried the AAT treatments, and my allergy symptoms are now completely gone! And, which I don’t cease to be amazed by, my sinuses have been completely clear since the treatment! Thank you!”
“For many years, I suffered from pollen allergy and chronic sinus issues. In the cedar pollen season, it affected my job. But now I don’t have these issues anymore and I am very happy.”
“I used to have stomach pain and diarrhea when I drank milk. With one treatment, I was able to drink milk for the first time in fifty years and I am drinking milk every day now.”
“AAT has improved my quality of life as I have suffered for several years with an allergy to the sun. Any area that was not covered became a blistered raised itchy rash that I had to endure for up to two months before it faded. No medical allergy treatment gave me very much relief. After receiving treatment at AAT, I no longer suffer at all and enjoy life to the full in sunny Queensland. Thank you so much for giving me my life back.”
“Acid foods like spaghetti sauce used to upset my stomach. Eating chips & salsa was a double whammy since corn seemed to make me feel dull and drowsy. Now I don’t have any problems with chips & salsa. I’ve enjoyed them several times since treatment without any of my previous difficulties. I’ve also noticed a big improvement since the AAT treatment on a number of other things such as dusty, windy conditions and cold damp weather. Thank you!”
“Our four-month old son was having problems breast feeding, appearing to be in pain. We were concerned with his digestion due to numerous dirty diapers. After just one treatment there was noticeable improvement in his bowel movement, and at completion of the treatment Edward is now feeding happily and digesting pain free.”
“I’ve suffered sinusitis for 40 years. After three treatments, I no longer have these symptoms.”
“The flowers are blooming here, and I haven’t had to take any Claritin . . . Thanks to you I believe.”
“I was seriously ill. I couldn’t do anything. Since the AAT treatment I’ve regained my life.”
“One sip of coffee and I used to turn pale and have palpitation and abdominal pain for 2 to 3 hours. With one treatment, I was able to drink coffee first time in fifteen years.”
“I was allergic to hot peppers all my life and after one treatment with the AAT treatment I was able to actually eat one with no reaction at all! Being symptoms-free is now beginning to open a whole new culinary world for me! Perhaps now I’ll go to India.”
“I suffered with springtime allergies since moving to Virginia over 5 years ago. After just a few treatments I no longer have any of my symptoms. It’s so exciting to be able to breathe again in the spring. Plus, the treatment was completely painless, which was even better!”
“We found my son was allergic to sesame when he was 6 years old. We avoided sesame since then but occasionally he ate it without knowing and he developed bad reactions. But now with just one treatment, he does not react to sesame anymore and can eat it.”
“My son was 2 ½ weeks old when I took him for an AAT treatment for a horrible rash he’d had since he was a few days old. It turns out he was reacting to my breast milk—poor kid! With one treatment, the rash completely disappeared, and I have a much happier, hungrier little boy.”
“My daughter, who is 6 years old, always had a problem with Eczema. She had severe dry skin, which became very itchy causing her to scratch, therefore creating open sores on several parts of her body including her arms, stomach & behind. After about 6 treatments of AAT, she has no signs of Eczema on her arms, stomach or behind.”
“After being diagnosed with food allergies to wheat, dairy, corn, and a few others at the age of seven, eating for me became and remained very difficult. My allergies would manifest in behavioral symptoms, both anxiety and anger related, and by my twenties I was suffering from a myriad of digestive symptoms, including hemorrhoids, extreme nausea, IBS symptoms, lethargy, and insomnia. Additionally, my food allergies were so severe, especially to corn, I was unable to eat at restaurants or at anyone’s house and had to make my own food from scratch and subsist on a boring and depressing diet of millet and goat cheese. After multiple AAT treatments, all my symptoms have disappeared. I am now able to go to parties and restaurants and enjoy life just like everyone else, and my even-tempered moods have improved every aspect of every relationship I have. AAT completely gave me my life back.”
“Astounding” doesn’t come close to what AAT has achieved with me. After 28 years of Acid Reflux, 100’s of bottles of Maalox and countless Prilosec OTC pills I now have an Acid Reflux FREE life! AAT’s unique approach to these types of issues just works. I would highly recommend to anyone that you call and try the treatment if you have acid symptoms or reflux issues. You have nothing to lose but your symptoms.”
“Our son was allergic to soy, so we had to buy substitute soy sauce. From the day following the treatment, he was fine with regular soy sauce.”
“Pencils and mechanical pencils used to make my fingers itchy. With one treatment, that does not happen anymore. I can work better now.”
I used to have stomach pain and diarrhea when I drank milk. With one treatment, I was able to drink milk for the first time in fifty years and I am drinking milk every day now.
“It’s amazing, that’s what I say – and you’ve got to remember, I was very cynical, I didn’t think anything was going to work.”
“Prior to receiving treatment with AAT, I would often break out in itchy hives if an animal licked me. If a cat scratched me, I would also get very swollen and red at the site. The very next day after receiving treatment, I tested myself on our cats at home to see if I had improved. I am happy to report I no longer get itchy hives from animals, and the lack of a reaction from cat scratches was an unexpected benefit. Since my treatment several months ago I have had no relapses and am able to enjoy all animals without any worries of symptoms!”
“I suffered from sinusitis symptoms for over 15 years. I was clinically diagnosed in September 1999. I sought treatment for my pollen allergy in 2000 to no relief. I had one AAT treatment for pollen and my symptoms such as swollen face, rhinitis, headaches and sinus congestion disappeared, and I was relieved of these symptoms completely. I now grow wattle in my back garden without reacting at all.”
“Prior to visiting AAT, I suffered hay fever constantly throughout the day & night. I tried everything for relief but never found a permanent fix. I was skeptical at first, but after 2 visits to AAT I went from having hay fever on average 4 hours a day to not having hay fever at all! The results speak for themselves! I now recommend AAT to everyone I know that has allergy problems.”
“If you had told me just a few months ago that I would soon be eating cheese dip with corn chips I would have thought you were crazy. It had been over 15 years since I had purposefully eaten any dairy and over 20 years for corn. But thanks to AAT, I am now able to eat this and more without intense pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Two weeks ago, I was treated for potatoes and enjoyed my first baked potato in over 25 years! It has been wonderful to go to restaurants without having to talk to the manager and to the grocery store without having to read all the ingredients.”