AAT Practitioner Testimonials

AAT Practitioner Testimonials
Patient Testimonials
“AAT helped my family, now it is helping my patients.”

“I began using the AAT Expert System because I saw what it did with my own daughter. She was sensitive to latex on diapers, then milk, sugar, and all nuts. She had horrible eczema. After several AAT treatments, her skin is clear and she doesn’t avoid anything anymore. That was 9 years ago. “
Dr. Michelle LeBlanc, DC
LeBlanc Chiropractic Clinic
“A natural & comprehensive treatment method”

“It alters the sensitivities against environmental stimuli with a natural and non-invasive method, using a treatment method that is amazingly comprehensive and beneficial.”
Eric Diffenbaugher, D.C.
Aim for Wellbeing
“AAT has been amazing!”

“Patients are extremely pleased with the results AAT delivers. For the Practitioner, the learning curve is low, the income is very good and perhaps best of all, it’s easy to integrate into your practice.”
Robert Poane, DC
Dr. Poane’s Chiropractic Office
“I get more referrals from my AAT patients than straight chiropractic”

“AAT has been a great addition to my practice. I have many new patients that I would not have had without AAT. I really like that it is all cash, so we do not have to deal with insurance billing. I would highly recommend the system.”
Frederick Claussen, DC
Claussen Chiropractic
“The results we see in our patients who have been treated with the AAT system are truly amazing!”

“Patients who have suffered from food sensitivities and other allergic reactions are no longer faced with these problems. We have helped patients with itching, peeling skin on their extremities, coughs, sinusitis, lactose intolerance, wheat allergies and airborne allergies just to name a few. I can’t recommend this technology strong enough.”
Steven B. Goldstein, DC
Health Care Chiropractic Center
“I get paid and paid well for this work.”

“After the first six months of using AAT and developing a patient base that had experienced the benefits of this amazing technology, my referral rate is higher than it has been in over 20 years in practice as a Chiropractic Physician. I have a small “one-man” practice and I rely on word-of-mouth marketing and networking as a means to grow my practice. Since May of this year, I have had close to 200 new patients with very little advertising and without offering “free” evaluations or “free anything.”
Tano E. Welch, DC
A&A Chiropractic Center
“I can’t begin to explain how wonderful it feels to have a palpable demand for what I do!”

“The patient outcomes have far exceeded my expectations. I am in constant amazement at the improvements I am seeing in my patients. Referrals are at an all-time high due to the fact that I have something truly unique to offer.”
James W. Stalker, DC
Allergy Relief Centers
“My decision to jump into the AAT Technology was the best leap of faith I have ever made!”

“The possibilities are endless and the number of people that can be helped is unlimited. It was a small investment to make for me to help the people in my community. This technology is amazing, and the potential is unlimited.”